Friday, September 11, 2009

I love 6th Grade!

Yes, these words that came out of Dom's mouth after the first day of school. This is his 5th year of teaching and these have been very challenging years for him. So hearing this was an answer to a 3 year prayer for his job! And although this is still the "honeymoon phase" of the school year, there have already been instances that have confirmed that this is the right fit for Dom.

1. He made a student cry on the first day of school! (the boy was acting up, and so remorseful for his actions, he cried. With his previous high school students, they would have mouthed off and blamed the teacher or anyone for that matter....I don't know how he put up with the high schoolers!)
2. They went on a field trip today and the kids that were assigned to go with Mr. Herrick cheered, and the ones that were assigned to other teachers complained that they couldn't go with him.
3. When the kids gave highlights of their week, math class was their favorite.
4. Dom has a textbook this year (can you believe he taught for 2 years without one!!) and great resources. He also using some really cool technology in his class that the students LOVE and it is keeping them engaged!

When Dom and I were talking at the end of his first week, he said in passing "I'm not worried about this year". WOW!!! We are so thankful to God for this!!

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